Imminent Detour / Andreea Samoilă (1996,RO) is a visual artist interested in objects, words and tools after they depart from the "manual" version of themselves.

She works under the name Imminent Detour to give a nod to memory palaces, and because she is in no rush to get to the point.




Andreea Samoilă (1996,RO) is a visual artist, and an independent editor & art director of printed matter. She is interested in objects, words and tools after they depart from the "manual" version of themselves.

She makes objects, books and actions focussing on witty uses of objects, unexpected associations and word-play. Andreea works under the name Imminent Detour, giving a nod to memory palaces, imaginary spaces and times in which to anchor new information.


EN    Imminent Detour / Andreea Samoilă (1996,RO) is a visual artist, and an independent editor of printed matter. She is interested in objects, words and tools after they depart from the "manual" version of themselves. The predictable and unpredictable nature of how people use things inspire her to question what is “mundane”, and set up surprise with already known things. She makes objects, books and actions focussing on witty uses of objects, unexpected associations and word-play. Andreea works under the name Imminent Detour because she is in no ruch to get to the point.  She has a BA in Architecture and an MA in Situated Design.

    Imminent Detour / Andreea Samoilă (1996, RO) este o artistă vizuală, și editor de cărți si reviste. Ea este interesată de obiecte, cuvinte și unelte ce nu sunt folosite “ca la carte”. Felul previzibil și imprevizibil în care oamenii folosesc obiecte o inspiră să mai observe ceva surprinzător la lucruri și idei deja arhi-cunoscute. Ea realizează cărți, obiecte și acțiuni care se joacă cu idea de “banal”, prezentând lucrurile și ideile ca fiind schimbătoare în timp, dar în fiecare moment fascinante. Andreea lucrează sub numele Iminent Detour (ocol iminent), pentru ca nu se grăbește nicăieri. A absolvit în Anglia de la Northumbria cu un BA in Arhitectură, si cu un MA in Situated Design la St. Joost in Țările de Jos.


here is a public wishlist of projects waiting for the right time, or the right collaborator

Interview for Accelerator Mentorat: RO, EN (2024)

Câmpulung Accelerator Mentorat Group Show in Public Space
Teaching: UMBRELLA | European Architecture Summer Aassembly, Shanzai 2024, Benidorm(ES)
Solo Exhibition | Artă Non Stop, Sibiu (RO)

Conversations with Observations Solo Show | Casino, Cluj-Napoca(RO) (within Cluj Shorts International Short Film Festival)
Lecturer, Rămâne De Văzut

Published work: Here All Along, in al• fa• bè• to magazine, Issue: C for Container
Romanian Design Week Best Practices Digital Exhibition | Bucharest(RO)
Lecture Performance on the research of “1:1“ | Romanian Design Week, Bucharest(RO)
Oser Artist Takeover | Piața Oser, Cluj-Napoca(RO)
Not Just a Fair, Book Art And Publishing Fair | POST, Arnhem(NL)

Tracemaking on the Surfaces of Everyday Objects Master Thesis Presentation | V2 Lab for Unstable Media, Rotterdam(NL)

Not So Far From Around Us | V2 Lab for Unstable Media, Rotterdam(NL)
Teaching: Hindsight and the Proportions of Attention | European Architecture Summer Aassembly, Reality 2021, Kragujevac(SRB)
I BELIEVE YOU I BELIEVE IN YOU Group Exhibition | Galerie SK, Solingen(DE)

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