Imminent Detour / Andreea Samoilă (1996,RO) is a visual artist interested in objects, words and tools after they depart from the "manual" version of themselves.
She works under the name Imminent Detour to give a nod to memory palaces, and because she is in no rush to get to the point.
Andreea Samoilă (1996,RO) is a visual artist, and an independent editor & art director of printed matter. She is interested in objects, words and tools after they depart from the "manual" version of themselves.
She makes objects, books and actions focussing on witty uses of objects, unexpected associations and word-play. Andreea works under the name Imminent Detour, giving a nod to memory palaces, imaginary spaces and times in which to anchor new information.
Landscape of Surfaces
Objects have a life of use, gaining character and knowledge on their surfaces through the relationships and purposes we have of them.
Landscapes have come to be a mode of understanding surfaces, of any scale, as a fabric which can be altered or covered with various types of maps and representations, all in turn underlining key observations and questions of what is real and what is representation (or the lack there of distinguishability).
And so, the Landscape of Surfaces is a static nature, of sorts, through which a show-and-tell structure pedestalises mundane objects and surfaces from public space. If you will, this is the real world dilated, with much more breathing space among the objects (just like you would give a painting white space around it).